
José Flores

My Portfolio
I have 3 items posted! Click here to view...
Mexico, Monterrey

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I am an 18 years old guy from Mexico. My native language is Spanish and I like writing in my language, however I do enjoy experimenting in English. I am a med-school student with dreams of becoming a published author, maybe it is a delusion of grandeur.
I hope someday someone reads my early writings and realize how much I have evolved and grown. I hope you enjoy my work

About My Navel

My navel? It's rather ordinary I would say... What do u mean not all of them look like that?

Website(s) or Email

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Pablo Neruda
Octavio Paz
Mario Vargas Llosa
Gabriel García Márquez
Stephen Chbosky
Oscar Wilde


Member for
9 years 1 week