Fast Car

Fast Car


"You got a fast car

Is it fast enough so you can fly away?

You gotta make a decision

Leave tonight or live and die this way."



"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman

21st February 2016


The final section is powerful but the entire lyrics are needed to fully depict the story.


To me this song is about life and relationships.

It is about dreams and hopes to create a perfect life

And rests on the realisation that maybe

Some people will not fit in that vision.

All that can truly be offered is a 'fast car'.



I am sick of seeing disfunctional families and relationships. Changing the world is too big of a task so I need to create my own. I have this vision of being surrounded by all my children and their children on a cold Christmas eve and we can just close the door to the world and be happy in our own.


Everyone outside will just see the dim lights from the windows and hear the laughter and wonder how we did it.



If you fuck up again and stand on the left side of perfect one more time you will be out there with them.

I value myself and what I am doing too much to be disrespected and hurt like this.


Sorry for all those reading. This is the most emotional I have ever been in a very long time and I need this space to air.

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Good Rant

Happiness is easy. Integrating that happiness into the world is a life-long task most refuse to engage. Engagingly yours, slc ~(:D)-