I woke up this morning and realized there are just too many rivers to cross.
There are rivers of sadness, rivers of pain, rivers of tears, and rivers yet to cross.
Sweetheart when we were young all the rivers were ahead of us, always in the distance.
Our love created a family and created a river of happiness, and our love made us one even
in sadness.
As you and I grew older we crossed each river hand in hand, smile on our face and always
with love in our hearts.
Then the saddest day of my life, the good Lord called you home and suddenly I was in the
dark and I was here all alone.
The rivers always seem so much wider now and always the rivers of tears, rivers of
sadness, and always in the dark.
I would give everything and all my remaining time to cross one more river with you.
And I know someday I will look down the road and you will be standing there
Then all the rivers will be gone, except the last river we will cross hand in hand.