
Have you ever just walked without purpose? I know that seems a little ridiculous because obviously, walking is lathered with purpose. You can walk to get to a destiation, pretty simple. There's limitless variables that agree with this statement, whether it be you're walking to the grocer, or you're walking to your friends house, there is a set destination you have walked, are walking, or will walk to. Of course you can always walk from something. You can walk from your house, but commonly, there is a place you'll be arriving at once you are finished walking from the place that you were previously present. But that is presently in the past, so now you were there, and now you are not, but you are on your way to a place and you are walking there now, so you will be there because you have already started to walk from your house. You can also walk away from something, whether it be a place, a person, or idea. Although you are still walking from something, in this case, the "away" implies that you are destined not to return back. Isn't this annoying. Why can't you just walk without purpose? It's as if everytime you go to walk it must be designed with a location in mind or must be fueled by some sort of purpose. Anyways, I highly suggest you walk without purpose sometime, but don't take my suggestion as a purpose to walk without purpose, because then, there's really no purpose in walking without purpose, is there...

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There Was A Movie


the name of which escapes me, but in it (and I paraphrase) some hero said, "...You don't run away from a place, you run to someplace..." Aimlessly is never aimless, wandering in the act is the thing itself, walking in a small circle for oh say a year might work. But then the fame would give it purpose. I love extant purpose. It's so existential! - Loved this write like extended metaphor, this seems like the unendable contemplation of a koan. - Just Bein' Stella