..7.. break of day


my days are awry

my nights are a mess

i see the heavens quite clearly

from the depths of my deepest distress

there are shoes floating everywhere

that's okay, someday i might wear them

but were is the space

to nurture the seedlings of my grace

write it down, peruse it

create something to appreciate

make the most of these days

before one day it's too late

it doesn't matter if it's lost

there is no loss when i'm breathing

strive for glory

of these precious moments ere they leave me

break of day is the best time

embracing, up and moving

sleep in the overpowering darkness

every part of my life has it's place

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Kimberly Freer's picture

John, seize the moment to be creative...you are a gifted writer...always searching..and you will find.....love ladycroft...your favorite fan..smile