I hate this lie I sell to all
I hate the way I start to stall
I hate the way I give into the fall
I hate the way I lie to you
I hate the way you buy into the lie
it makes me wish that I could cry
I want to tell about the lie, the fake
but I know that if I did, your heart would break
so I swallow the truth and lay down the lie
and inside I slowly begin to die
I wish that my heart would choose just one
I wish that my mind would just be done,
done playing these childish games
and just go down in painful flames
this god damn confusion is all too much
I get the glass and tightly clutch
my cure, the answer for all the hurt
the way to make me no longer feel like dirt
the way to hide all the pain away
the way to make it all better today
this sharp cold edge is all I need
to stop the hurt, and make me bleed
the blood assures im still alive
even though in my mind I may think to strive
to stop that truth from being true
to say this life is like morning dew
here today and gone tomorrow
so I no longer have to drown my sorrow
and I live not for myself but for others
the ones who make me feel like we're brothers