I cut to make it perfect, I cut to make it right
I cut to fade the pain away, the pain I feel at night
I cut to show im not perfect
I cut to show them im worth it
I cut to show you that I care
I cut to show that im aware
of the pain I cause
when I stop and pause
and shove the blade in so deep
to show the hill to love is steep
and when you reach its golden peak
there’s no where left to go but down
and when your there you start to frown
and think of yesterday
and all the times when you would say
'those times are too far ahead
to far to think of while im in bed'
and then you see that you were wrong
you start to think land place the thong
the thong of leather around your neck
and realize that the floating speck
is how the world sees you
and see the things you can do
can make a change, the slightest dent
in life you can choose to vent
or hold it in and try to be
the stoic person who all can see
is hurting deep inside
but pushes it down and tries to hide
all the feelings you feel you cant confide