I paint these pictures in my blood
I cut and cut till there's a flood
of this red stuff I call life
it is just so full of pain and strife
I like to spill it all over the floor
I like this picture painted in gore
I hope you like what you've made me
I hope you turn your head in sorrow and scream like a banshee
I hope you like this pain you cause
it seems to highlight all your flaws
you hurt me gladly just for show
you hurt me deeply more than you know
you left more scars than show on my arms
you stripped my bare with all your charms
you saw the pain I etched on my flesh
and you made more that were oh so fresh
I can almost taste the blade as it cuts
I see the way your starting to strut
I can taste your pain when I cut you open
I feel your hurt is but a small token
oohhhhh, indeed I must say this is quite a delicious work of art. I've read quite a lot of your work, so far I label this wretched and mind sickening poem as my favorite. Keep it up my brother for words have no experation dates.