Jersey Girls


Most girls that dwell here are skanks, bitches, or hoes
Willing to go lower than hell, a new all time low
To go and kick people for fun when they are down
And they'd love it having an upside down frown
Nice girls, they change into one of themselves
Like in L.o.t.R. dwarvesto their sworn enemy, elves
A rairity to find a nice girl, like E, unfortunatly
That group I fear will never grow exponentaly
Endangerd like the beloved, cute panda
Or like they mythical elf santa

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Elfy's picture

Not all girls are like this,

Not all girls are like this, and im sure that you would be able to find the girl your looking for, if you keep your eye open. You can look forward, without looking at whats in front of your face. But sometimes the person your looking for, is standing where your eyes cant see. Sometimes your blind. With out even realiseing it. The person that was ment for you, or that may be your soul mate, mit be standing behind you, the whole time. You could even talk to the person everyday, or sit in front of her, for the last 2 years in math class, but you never noticed, her looking and peaking at you, when your back was turned. Girls are shy too. Keep your eyes open and im sure you'll find your jersey girl. Dont stop looking, or you just gave up, n you shouldnt ever give up, on your future. :) Trust me, keep your eyes open, you'll find that right girl. Dont keep waiting on one, that isnt around, or not looking at you. Look for the ones, that hang around you, and talk to you. They are the ones, that are wanting to be yours. Dont judge every girl where you live, cause others are that way. Some good girls, are in hiding, or are just being quite. Dont wait, Keep looking, you'll find the right girl. :)


twisted_soul's picture

I know most girls arent

I know most girls arent really like this but the ones that do act this way bother me a bunch. Maybe my soulmate live elseware, idk. im not totaly sure but there is this girl who ive been talking to reacently and when we see each other we say hi, i was in my class early and she shouted "hi john" from outside the class room. I warmed me that she cared enough to say hi and espetialy from out side.