'13 You Said Taste


A day named forever arrived
A day without you is without life
It was impossible to forget
which solar system were we in anyway
what had happened that night anyway
it was a night that you would embed
an array of thoughts alone in bed
Thoughts of what was
Thoughts of what was (not to be)
I was at a lose
Yet, in my mind
in my mind you wrote,...


"It is interesting how one can actually ravage ones planet.
A forever spicy candy, devouring every inch, (just grabbed it)
Managing to reach the center, and boy, was it boiling hot!
Wandering all around your edges, of course I did not stop
All your succulent core, simply waiting for you to explode
This entire time, lost in my world you had nowhere to go..."


Forever was never the intention
Yet I gave in to your destination
You lived for that moment
'Schubert said to me then'
With every key played
A decision had to be made
Your solar system was mine to please
touching every part of you with ease
You are impossible to forget
How did I become lost without you?
You knew that I would see you soon
Knowing it was my turn to embed
an array of pelvic thrusts to mend
Thoughts of what was
Thoughts of what was (not to be)
I was at a lose
Yet, in your mind
in your mind you wrote,...


"I felt a satisfying urge inside me though as I began to sweat
In and out it went and licks surprise adding shivers to the rest
An incredible reigning flavored staff pounded my insides
Lighting me up all around and trigger convulsive thighs
A thirsty preference became the purpose for this desire
Your scent would merge with my skin as it set me on fire..."


©David Joel Rodriguez

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You Said Taste

Erotic poetry?

A must for bed time reading.

I loved this poem DJ and excellently written.


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I'm not sure what came over me... 

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"

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