If I would have fixed my own senseless issues
We could have sided with our different views
I really hated myself for not expressing them
Did not realize until I saw you with other men
I decided to express myself on plain old paper
Neglecting to face the simple problems together
Instead, our tears rested on a neighbors shoulder
Our honeymoon was always filled with affection
What a waste for us crying in a seperate direction
You went your way as I decided to venture mine
Having a paper imbibing my tears one at a time...
"...Writing of divine's disguise coming with a prize
or love disguised in the skies showering its lies..."
...I began to smile as to how easy it is just to love
and smirk at how lucky one must be to be loved...
If I had shared myself more often with you
We could have tried to figure out what to do
If I had been there to kiss your lonely tears
We could have avoided all these lonely fears
This is far and away my favorite. I just keep reading it over and over.