'08 Missed You Again


My gorgeous and beloved little potato

How you question one of my nicknames

You're growing to fast for me though

Leaving voicemail's playing your games

I could not have asked for anything more

Seeing you when I can with very little time

With every hug you smile as your love soars

Tiny lips on my cheek comparing kisses with mine

When I visit to be with you, hold and play with you

You are becoming familiar with long good-byes

I think of how much I missed, how much you grew

How do I say bye when you don't understand why

Just know when I wake, take a nap, or in my dreams

My thoughts wander, yet focus on you to feel sane

Being away from you is not how it's suppose to be

Soon it'll be you and me, together, forever remain

Thought you should know

even miles away

I miss you so

Thinking of you everyday

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41tulips's picture

awww :)

Melissa Marina Flores

itsmesowhatofit's picture

I hope that you get to see your special potato again real soon, this is a tender tribute that brings tears to my eyes, as I lost my father in 1997, thanks for making me re-live the memories, now I know I will never forget!