'10 Who Would Have Thought


Who Would Have Thought

My time has been ticking since waking up at 11 pm going through my life piece by piece.
I cannot seem to get it together and it is already 7 am feeling there is so much to release.
Through my moment walking outside with my head down, I stared, savoring the tranquil sight.
I thought I was done, but I smiled with a tear to what has been dismantling my sleepless night.
I went inside and decided to watch last minute movies on my comfortable brown couch.
Maybe to get one last smile or an emotional movie tear scanning my wrists as I slouch.
My head emits infinite decibels hoping for an explosion to discard my objectionable emptiness.
As I lie contradicting myself, I have concluded to discontinue my unanimated mortal business.
Therefore must decline my position or deny my purpose in this crowded "land of misery."
For the last time, I think...No, I know this whining practical life is over and will concede.
The first light of day is slowly reaching upon me despairing any more of my living lies.
It think its time for me to go. My God..,what have I done...oh what a beautiful sunrise.


© David Joel Rodriguez

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm Sorry...

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Transplendent Experience's picture

Morbid as this sounds - it reads like a perfect suicide note.