'06 More Than A Natural Woman: She Is!

Oh my where do I begin!!

no necessary order...

The edge of your ear lobe

the back of your neck

licking down your spine

grasping the MOON

slowly I massage you

with your hands on my steEPLE

I run my hands on your palms

suck the tip of your fingers

the soft slopes of your skin

IN between your diamond thighs

on the back of your knees

how 'bout the ankles

"down to those kissable toes"

then lick the elbows

then your forearms

down your beautiful chin

my fingers combing your hair

as I lick your wholesome cleavage...


Wow, what a woman!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"kissable toes" credits starsaved from postpoems

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What a catalogue of pleasures! But what about her kissable toes?
