'06 *Cold Space


As I lie on the bed

with a cold space next to me

Thinking what we had said

but remembered

how it used to be

disagreements came and went

made up those same days

lived to our hearts content

that day eventually came

when we had nothing to say

The split was to sudden

no words would bring us back

in an instant you left

to the guy you called "a friend"

you said you loved me

cause I loved you...

with every heart beat,

I know I screwed up

cause I know you...

don't believe in love (anymore)

Now when I arrive home

you're no longer there

I Still sleep on my side

still, your space remains cold...

I guess I was meant to be alone

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Have you tried putting music to this song? I can hear it in my head, but I wanna hear it for real...

Melissa Marina Flores