'02 Insomnia v.1+


Eternal Darkness lit me up...

  ~I~                  awakens me to my bright glory.

whispers in my ear...

  chills penetrating my sheets...          ~WANT YOU~

    let me sleep...

~TO~       I avoid one-dog night

  another sleepless...nite.        ~OPEN~

~YOUR~         What is needed of me?

   Let me langiush the rest of the night.            ~EYES~

~AND LET~      This is not my death bed.

                                         ~ME SEE!~


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Excessive sleepless nights will eventually kill you...

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Stefany Zuenskes's picture

sounds like my every night..
thanks for the critques

Brenda's picture

jus kidding, interesting poem. Makes me wonder what happens when I close my eyes.

Brenda's picture
