'02 She Love's Me, She Love's Me Not*

-Some Kind of Love


You say you need me
You say you want me,
When I do come back,
You repress me.


You say you like me
You say you yearn me,
When I do love back,
You avert me.


You say you feel me
You say you know me,
When I converse back,
you discord me.


When I think you need it
When I think you want it,
You are irritated by it.


When I think you like it
When I think you yearn it,
You do not love it.


When I think you feel it
When I think you know it,
You disregard it.


When I told you I love you today,
I reread this poem again and said....
"She doesn't love me the same way."


©David Joel Rodriguez

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Many of us feel this way when we encounter new love or when we simply become comfortable with an existing, persisting love. Although, unconditional love holds no expectations. Expecting to be loved back will only set you up to be hurt; however, if the love is unconditional it expects nothing and recieves everything. Love because it is there is to do; yet, know that sometimes it doesn't come back. Love yourself and it need not be validated by someone/something else.