Does Putin want to reset all the clocks
back to the early twentieth century?---
the time of Bolshevkik brutality;
the Party's, Comrade Lenin's, cruelty,
daily and hourly gross atrocity;
a bloody demonstration that appalls?
Nimzy Novgorod, tell me, if you dare:
who has silenced the Russian Orthodox
Church that should be speaking at Christ's behest
against the warfare, with a loud protest;
and tell me why one does not hear or see 'em
outside the craven Kremlin's redwashed walls,
in prospect of the Atheists' Museum,
across the street from that cubed mausoleum
wherein a pickled stiff lurks, like a lair,
or like a noxious spider in a nest.
Putin's morals must have been, always, slack;
heir, he is, to those thugs who dared attack
their era's greatest Poet, Pasternak.