Laying on the bed, motionless. Feels like the world is spinning. Body is sweating. But you are shivering and your skin is as cold as ice. Eyes rolling in the back of your head. Opening your mouth to call out for help but you can't speak the words. Trying struggling for one last breathe. Feeling an intense heat come over you. A bright flash. Shaking violently. But in your mind all you see is the warm sunny sea.
Until your body says no more. Becoming limp and lifelessly as the bottle in your hand crashes to the floor spilling one individual pill
Author's Notes/Comments:
Has nothing to do with my life. Just a writing
The ending is great. It's
The ending is great. It's like one of those movies that keeps you guessing..Like it!!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "