Fights in the nights

Blood drips from your knuckles. 

Head pounding.
Ears ringing. 
The sounds of screaming still piercing through the dark of night! 
Horn stuck on. Head lights pointing to the sky. 
Staring aimlessly in the dark. Choking coughing yelling out her name. Trying to find her! 
Wondering why you let her cry. 
Why is she not responding? 
Stumbling from the wrecked car. Trying to make it to the other side. Lights piercing through the dark. As you collapse. 
Waking in a dizzy haze three days later
Screaming out her name. Trying to get up to find her. Unable to move. Nurses coming rushing in. Telling you the news that she didn't survive. 
With the words drowning out as the last fight, the last night...
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Nightmare... total nightmare.

Nightmare... total nightmare. Very well written. ~peace~


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "