Nhi Nguyễn

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm an awkward teenager who happens to have many ambitions and dreams.
I'm lazy and often write poems and things in class, just to avoid its boredom.
I'm an outcast.
I'm an active volunteer not out of kindness but only because of the belonging feeling it provided.
I'm interested and study Psychology just to understand people and get fit in.
I'm lost.
I'm searching.
And I may be very hatefull, selfish, and self-righteous. Not a very good person. Sorry.

About My Navel

It has dust in it and I love to dig it out, just to be frightened that I may hook out my rut.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I love Sarah Kay and her poems :D especially her spoken poems.


Member for
9 years 33 weeks