Black and White World

Some call me evil, in this black and white world.

What I am clearly depends on you.

I may yell, and push everyone away, but when you look deep into my eyes, into my soul, you'll see a poor girl kneeling on the ground crying out for help.

I give out certain signs, which you, only you, have picked up.

Some say my heart is nothing, black like the rest of this black and white world, and you say it is beautiful.

You take my hand, and kiss it. My tears fall to the ground.

Color begins to show where my tears have touched.

My eyes are now green, and I have streaks of peach running down my cheek.

The corner of my lip is now pink. I blink my eyes for a second, and look again.

Now your lips, which had touched mine with a brief kiss, are pink as well.

I smile, and you whisper softly, "You're so beautiful."

More tears begin to cry, and more color begins to show.

I kiss you again, and in this black and white world, I am now color.

My heart may have seemed to match everything else in this black and white world, but you could see through it, you saw the red.

You lean towards me and take my hand, never ruining the moment.

You say, "close your eyes, and let your tears fall, I will catch them"

I closed my eyes, and tears began to scream out. Letting my soul cry for help.

Screaming all the words that I could not speak, and as you said, you caught them all.

I opened my eyes, and you too were in color.

Our love painted this black and white world. Your words, my tears, and our love showed me the color.

Everyone else still sees black and white, but for me and you, we see the color.

All you need in this black and white world, is a soul full of color, and someone to let it all out.

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"All you need in this black and white world is a soul full of color, and someone to let it all out."
That is like... my favorite quote EVER. You're amazing, Jill!