Legendary Body Exist


Libraries, bookstore

Pleasure trip indoors

Glamour glance,

Heart dance conga

Aroma-in residence

Increase hunger

Volatile conglomerate

Insatiate appetite

Non-stop gratis

Feast in greedy mind.

Inquisitive, curious

Gulp in, sheen shine-

Seek knowledge


Eat books endless.

History, geography


Sports and medicine

Include glossy magazines

Eyes, twirling trance.

Rows of discipline

Arranged neat and clean.

Housed in chambers

Shelves with numbers

Filing cabinets

Push, pull drawers

Search for bookmarks.

Bodylines stay fine, eager students.

On shelf hard bound

Benefit lawyers, as well doctors.

Keeps fit tannoy, revert, and revise.

Tailor-made, rudiment rubrics, share in members

Centuries’ advantage, useful computers.

Sub-lease discs, disk, books, and journals.

Mostly free, it is - resonance competence.

Voracious ocular, vociferous silence-

Hard mettle theories, settle soft, on shoulders.

Mavericks mind, steams - James Watt.

Atmosphere is sacred

To Goddess of learning Saraswati, our votives - worships.

Great pleasures found treasure in buildings, storing books.

A wishful motive is to vaporise, secure inside libraries.

As legendary body, continue to exist!

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I absolutely love this! You can invision it by every line. Excellent!