

Twisting her lips, Madam Praise

Detest Big Brother attitude of the Americans

With paper tissue, blow her nose.

In Middle East, the Muslims are chaste fanatics’

Paperless workers prowl on streets

While African drug peddlers hang on our necks.

Hi-fi techniques our product expertise

Copy the sly Chinese

dampening the market chances.

Jews? Tantrums!

East European young females and the Thais

Marry innocent old men; flesh trade for cash in brothels.

Holy morons even at an age eighty; point fingers.

Detecting fault cause utter frustration;

Fifty-year-old spouses turn cradle snatchers;

Jet around hunting for Latinos to remain alive, amused.

Natural justification!

Poverty stricken Indians always dream;

Bribes take them to heaven;

Their body language sufficient. Draw

Conclusion serious high-level men

Advisory board; Commerce.

Never emerge from ghettos;

Scarf dismiss

Nevertheless, forever groan

The stubborn Turkish.

In mainstream life refuse to integrate.

As for the Vietnamese are but petty criminals

Black marketing branded cigarettes.

Illegal garage engage asylum seekers

Bulgarian, Hungarian, Russian Mafia’s, steal our cars

These foreigners; our clean homes damage.

Minorities but for them; the majority perpetually embarrassed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To Grumble is good but bad education when it comes to teaching.

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