Jessica Klett

My Portfolio
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New York

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

College student. English major. I work at Barnes and Noble. I like to smell books. Sometimes I read them too. I love writing and reading poetry. I hope to get my poetry published and on the shelves for everyone to read.

About My Navel

Clear as day
For most of the day
I wear fuzzy sweaters
Balls of fluff
Minuscule colors of the spectrum
Get in there
I don't know if it's for the better
Maybe they'll keep it warm
I like to think they keep my navel
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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

John Green, e. e. cummings, dark chocolate, lemon tea, green tea, coffee: milk and three sugars, water, kissing, spas, bumming around, my boyfriend, my best friends, photography, poetry, fuzzy socks, books books books


Member for
12 years 10 weeks