To Infinity & Beyond


Watch me laughing

it's you who makes me laugh

Watch my eyes sparkle

it's  you who puts that sparkle in my eyes.

Hear my stomach rumble

it's butterflies I feel when I'm with you.

Hear my heart beat

it only skips a beat for you

Feel my touch

I shiver for more.

Feel what I feel

it's no different from how you feel.

Catch me day dreaming

it's you I'm day dreaming of.

Catch me smiling

it's you who puts that smile on me.

Catch me.... I'm falling

it's you I'm falling for. <3 :)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The reasoning of the title is because that what my boyfriend and i always tell each other "I love you to infinity and beyond" :)

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GOHIL48's picture

soo adorable:)  

soo adorable:)


impyshideout's picture

nice poem..

I like yer name. 
My dad always called me Jess.  :) 

jessss_xo's picture


haha thanks


and thank you for reading