
As the storm rages in the grey air

I kneel to say my final prayer

But then I see a nest fall from it's tree

Cracked eggs and sadness envelop me

The twigs splinter and blow away

And I feel like this is my price to pay

Flashes of lightening illuminate my sky

And the rain falls to mask my cry

I pick up the Mama bird with a wounded wing

And I beg of her to fight and to cling

I tell her not to give up because her storm came

But to rise anew from her ashes and flames

Her downcast eyes speak to me

So I hold out my hands and set her free

Slowly, she flutters along the ground

Her song of sadness the only sound

But soon her wing begins to beat

Even though I hear the fear in her tweet

She realizes no nest will last forever

So a new journey becomes her endeavor

With clouds parting she begins to take flight

And maybe, just maybe, I'll be alright.


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PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

Wow! You truly paint a very

Wow! You truly paint a very detailed picture with your words. :)

Affirmation's picture

A strong sense of will and

A strong sense of will and hope.

mine20's picture

simple and philosophical. I

simple and philosophical. I liked it.