"Hear Me Roar"

Standing in front of an oblong mirror

She slowly steps back and begins to peer

At a long puffy scar in memory

Of once vibrant radiant mammories

Moments passed from where she stood

As she traced the remains of her womanhood

An asymmetrical memory

To remind her of the fullness of puberty

A topographical roadmap that leads the way

Back to sunsets, bikinis, and sand where she played

A muffled echo of eras long past

Where butterflies swarmed from a young man’s clasp

A faint yet distant reminder of steamy moist nights

At the drive-thru where she reached new heights

A still photograph telling of times where fingertips tickled

And tongues traced her erect nipples

A silent story un-telling of when

Her son suckled his way into being again and again

A loud cry that screams to say

You’re no longer woman, like yesterday

A faint whisper in a hushed tone

Saying you’re not alone, you’re not alone

A resounding record for history

Reminding you that you're all woman you see

A strong roar from a deep down place screaming

You’re more woman now, than you’ll ever be

A soft sob lives on to tell

The story of your sisters who before you fell

A mild sigh relates the scar of disfigurement

But also relates you are woman, you’re resilient

And lastly a smile creeps across your face

To remind you of the gift of life, and more importantly God’s grace.

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SSmoothie's picture

Wow! Have I been away so long

Wow! Have I been away so long I missed your wonderful body of works? This is excruciatingly real and heart wrenching for you capture in words so brilliantly the moments of insecurity and how we live through these! An intelligent emotive and thoughtful piece! Love itHufgSS 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

jessie2376's picture

Thank u and love ur feedback!

Thank u and love ur feedback!

jessie2376's picture

Thank u and love ur feedback!

Thank u and love ur feedback!

Bernadette Flexen's picture

I love the fifth stanza. Those two lines are brilliant.

'A topographical roadmap that leads the way
Back to sunsets, bikinis, and sand where she played'
