Dusty memories...
Pushed back waiting to fall off the shelf.
A million mysteries...
Hidden from everyone else.
Broken smile...
filled with dirt and no meaning.
Mind of a child...
I'm not getting what I'm needing.
Infected happiness...
parasites are eating away all hope.
Undoubtebly depressed...
I'm shielded by a careless cloak.
Closed eyes...
The fact I love you will not be shown.
Ignorant lies...
Without me, he stands alone.
Locked love...
there is no key.
Meaningless hugs...
I can barely breathe.
Painless farewell...
it won't matter at all.
My own hell...
save me from the fall.
I'm beginning to wonder if you're going to kill yourself or not....i hope not. CUZ I LOVE YOU!!!