The thoughts of scotty and ryan are still in my mind.
I miss them being there...and i miss them being mine.
I have to learn to let let go of my best friend.
I have to throw in with him my "Love" of "no end."
I used to lay with scott and i used to look into his eyes.
He found me so intriguing and i still dont know why.
I dont know why he chased me and i dont know why i ran.
The bond that i still have with him was definitely not a plan.
I miss him so much and now I wish i wouldn't have left.
I just have to keep telling myself that it was best.
He is still in my heart though, and hes laughing at me.
I will never forget that sound or how it used to be.
I hope he doesn't forget me...but instead pushes me away so the memory doesnt burn.
I hate being away from him..i hate the lessons i must learn.
I used to lay with ryan and i could feel myself fall.
I remember my heart racing as soon as he would call.
I let every wall come down that could and i gave in to my heart.
he had me the moment he shook my hand..he had me from the start.
He was the first to get to me and i still dont know why.
All is lost....oh well....i'll get by.
They were my two trophies that i refuse to keep.
They are my nightmares I experience every night as i sleep.