

--The Menu--

Pumpkin soup, sautéed vegetables

Stuffed chicken and ham with cream cheese

Buttered Marlin and beef broccoli

Perfect meal- and squid nuggets.

Oh no, not that!

I get hives.

You know-

I'm allergic to squids.

--The Place--

A table for two in a classical ambience

Fine dining and Bublé's music

You pulled a chair for me to sit on

Perfect place- and then you smiled.

Oh no, not that!

Body rush.

I won't let you know-

I'm allergic to your smile.

--The Night--

Good conversation filled with laughter

Talked about 'then, now and the future'

You know, me and you- just "us"

Perfect moment- did you just say her name?

Oh no, not again!

I get drained.

You know it-

I'm allergic to "headaches".

And you charged on with your claptraps

How she makes you so unhappy

And how you are her hero, but you can't break-free

Perfect release- and then you said you want me?

That's it! I'm outta' here!!!


You should know-

I'm allergic to bull shit.

The End.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written last August 29, 2004, inspired (?) by a date I had with my long time bestfriend, Marvin in "The Swan". Now he knows my allergies! haha! ~©jerlin

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