Universal Studio's Four Frankensteins: Part Of My Youth

KARLOFF"S monster seemed to acquire a struggling part

of those emotions that thrive in the human heart.

Chaney Jr.'s dispensed with that last shred of grace,

and wore his homicidal rage upon his face.

Lugosi's looked like he wished his scenes could be few.
And Strange's, who tried, did not have enough to do.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Cherished memories:  Saturday afternoons between 1966 and 1968, especially when cold or stormy (thus compelling my mother to forbid me to go outside), watching Shock Theater in the hope (fulfilled or denied, in advance, by Friday afternoon's weekly TV Guide) of seeing one of the seven Universal Frankenstein films completely.  A somewhat less important delight was the montage of film clips which was sometimes run as the opening sequence---and being able to pick out the various films I ardently adored, especially my favored seven.  At the beginning of my fifth grade year, in 1968, the local VHF broadcaster provided an extra treat:  each Saturday afternoon Shock Theater broadcast was repeated the following Monday evening before prime time began.  

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