At Reading The Book Of Revelation

Concerned only about the hidden things,
or things too difficult to understand,
some come with fear to Christ's apocalypse
to John; and, on their shallow souls, the grips
of spiritual fright clutch as if to remand
them to the pains of scorpions' swift stings.

Come to the threshold of Christ's Revelation
to John, and, from the churches' fellowship,
soar up to Heaven.  Faith approaches sight;
and, from the everlasting Gospel's bright
promise rises glorious liturgy
almost (but not quite) too much bliss to bear.
Words cannot tell the whole experience
of music joined to iridescent light
refracted through the fragrance of incense
that represents each saint's believing prayer.
No shadows here, nor visions meant to scare
true readers---those who have enjoyed Salvation.
John's book describe a joyous celebration,
a holy and eternal festival,
to bring before the Ancient of all Days
His chosen people's sacrifice of praise,
intensely sacred and liturgical,
ever uninterrupted in duration.

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