Lady Beatrice's Leisure

Laugh if you will, but all too easily
and all too often, I grow weary of
lessons in Latin.  Its ubiquity
is our great heritage and history---
but paradigms of parsing have bored me
to tears.  Some teach it out of mere conceit,
subjecting students to a worse abuse.
But when I can escape the shuttered gloom,
I hurry, up stairs, to my sunlit room
and pleasant leisure on the balcony.
Once there, I eagerly kick off my shoes
(for verse is better with my stockinged feet
unshod), and read my boy friend's poetry---
words in vernacular that sing his love,
someday to sing to all of Italy.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem suggests an original historical hypothesis.  Just as the Argentinian poet, Jorge Luis Borges, suggested that Dante raised up the Comedy simply to set Beatrice as its climax and centerpiece, so I believe that Dante chose the vernacular language, in which to write the Comedy, according to Beatrice's preferences.  The traditional, and scholarly, choice would have been Latin; but, I believe, Dante's adolescent adoration, once matured, saw all literary choice in terms of Beatrice's preferences, and not scholarly custom.

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