At The Inspiration Of The Hebrews' Epistle, 1

Some tell me that our brother, Timothy,
is said to be soon set at liberty,
and then return to Ephesus.  And me?---
I sent to volumes of our history
(in final draft, both) to Theophilus.
Then, weary of Rome and its worldly fuss,
I can come back to Antioch to rest.
Martyred, Paul charged me with a last request
which which I will comply directly, even
if difficult---a treatise on the thought
of that first, holy martyr, Deacon Stephen;
to write down, for our churches, what he taught
(for which he was accused of blasphemy
and stoned to death with frenzied perfidy).

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Evangelist Saint Luke, author of the Third Gospel, and the Acts of the Apostles, is believed, by some, to have authored, or translated the Epistle to the Hebrews.  This poem and its sequel suggests another interpretation of the Lukan involvement in that document.

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