At One Side Of The Garden

This day is like those that immediately
followed the finish of the Lord's creation,
when yet the sun rose forth in jubilation
to celebrate Christ's living poetry;
until the serpent, with a subtle twist,
intruded, and the seeds of sin were sown.
This garden, here and now, is like that one,
so long ago:  well watered by a mist
and fragrant with the scent of early flowers
opened upon the dawn-lit early hours
to witness (after I rolled back the stone
that closed the sepulcher)---God's regnant Son
rise forth triumphantly, that sure salvation
may be provided.  Now, victoriously,
He strides across this garden gloriously.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Genesis 1-3, Matthew, 28:2, John 19:41, Ephesians 2:10, Colossians 1:16

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