At The Farm's Back Edge

The carpenter arrives!, his eldest 'son'
with him:  yes, that shy, tall, barefoot young man
who does all things and all tasks well.  He can
handle the tools---just like his father does---
with perfect skill.  Some gossips say he was
born from a dalliance with fornication
(his mother's); but such wicked information
(if even proven to be true) has done
no damage to his pleasant attitude.
Unlike most craftsmen, he is neither crude
nor uncouth in his bearing.  He finds fun
in following his father's specialty
(farm implements, to build them or repair
them).  Their work is well known in Galilee
for highest quality priced more than fair.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"all things well"---alluding to Mark 7:37.

"fornication"---cf. John 8:41, where the accusation against Christ's mother is once again revived, some three decades after His birth.


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