At The Edge Of Jerusalem


[Luke 19:39-41; Matthew 5:14.]


"Good master, silence this loud multitude.
"The surely make an awful lot of noise.
"Their jabber has disturbed the holy mood
"that we have learned to love the most and best.
"Their singing has disturbed our righteousness.
"We are not much accustomed to express---
"that way---our testimonies and our joys,
"and all our grand traditions long professed.
"We are the city set upon that hill
"you mentioned. Tell these others to be still."

But had the crowds been quieted and kept
silent, the stones were well prepared to shout.

Christ knew their motives---what they were about;
and, looking over that great city, wept.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Luke 19:39-41; Matthew 5:14.

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