At The Door, Sin Lieth

That I am chosen to supreme dominion
is, by inheritance, my first vocation.
The dignities and rights of domination
are mine by birth, and not some man's opinion.
The world confirms me in this---not just once;
but in each instance when my dominance
is given reign, I have the validation---
substantiation---of my full manhood.
My sheepish brother, with his wistful gaze,
stared out across the plain (where his flocks graze).
And with himself, he has been pleased these days,
because his sacrificial lamb was made
acceptable while my first fruits were laid
aside.  Although he stood by silently,
I had my sense of what he thought of me:
and I was wroth at what he had not said
(nor had I anything to say at all,
no brotherly affection left to feign).
I swung a stick at him---it struck his head
with more force than intended, and his skull
cracked.  He fell at my feet, and quickly bled
out; and the earth around him bore the stain---
mixed with the dew that sparkled in the sun.

The Lord came, then, to ask what I had done.

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