At Lady Certainly's RT Stockings, 1: Reinforced Toes

Not thought as "haute couture" these days, they make sheer hose
more beautiful than told in verse or prose:
worn with her platform (open-toed and arch-strapped) sandals;
or, in the fragrant glow of love-lit candles,
her sole adornment in the private bliss of love
(beyond some prude's opinion that speaks of
licit romance as sin).  Of course, her hose can please---
shoeless---in almost every situation:
long drives, walks in green meadows, dinner conversation;
or, in the bedroom, playful intimation.
But, at each site, her dignified, pure modesty's
high standards do not suffer violation.
Meanwhile, this rarer style---a practical invention---
assures her of my uttermost attention.                 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was my first published poem about the beauty of my Lady's stockings.

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