Clad in a white shirt and gray, pinstriped slacks
(worn, as you like them, just an inch too long);
weary of this lost world's brutal attacks
upon your soul (temptations to do wrong,
and sin discloses a too slippery slope;
subjecting those upon it to abuse);
unshod, like Moses on that holy ground,
you left behind, at altar call, your shoes,
forgotten for the moment at your seat.
You hurried down that aisle, your stockinged feet
gliding in thrill of new faith and its hope.
You knelt, a convert, in your first real prayer
and as the saints, your loved ones, joined you there,
Christ claimed you---who, once lost, are newly found.
Author's Notes/Comments:
This is for my new Sister, Tiffany M. Slipping her heels off shortly after worship began, she asked me---a little later, in the foyer where the water fountain is---if it was acceptable to be in church shoeless, her stockinged feet clearly visible. I assured her that it was just fine, on the precedent of Moses and others, and that she should feel at home. The hour's message was on choosing salvation; and, again on stockinged feet as described above, she came to the altar and met, and accepted, Christ and the Gospel.
Update, some time after composition: Tiffany backslid to her previous lifestyle, proving that her experience at the altar was one of temporary enthusiasm, not true faith. The elect will persevere.
Almost five years later, I must say, regretably, that Tiffany did not remain in the faith, nor was even baptized.
the poe you did for your new sister is really a good one..impressive alot and there are spritual touches are found in a professional way.. thanks for comments and respect your words..
I am pleasantly surprised by this unusual comment above!