At The Neighbor's, From The Island Of Lesbos

[Caesarea, cira 61 AD]


They said, "We come from Lesbos, where the love
"is more exquisite than men can dream of,
"much less provide.  The hard Augustan rules
"are masculine, and made for breeding fools.
"Your patriarchal moral cannot sever
"our intimacy---that will last forever!
"We have the right to choose our destiny,
"without permission of society.
"You call the past His-story; but a page
"has been turned.  We come out with a new age.
"New drama will appear upon the stage
"of life's existence---with new cast and scene,
"its poetry composed in Mytilene."

So spoke they both . . . intensely . . . from the heart.

Not too long, after that, they broke apart:

the one given to raging jealousy;
the other?---children, domesticity.        

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