At The Shrine Of Persephone, Left To Christians

Persimmons and perspectives may well be
all that we have left as a legacy.
These servants of that Jew from Galilee
took, by their sheer devotion, mastery
of all we held dear.  Their morality
makes judgments:  same sex love is sodomy;
our gods are said to be a parody
of theirs; the forms of our best poetry
are turned expressly to theology.
They say that right is right, and wrong is wrong;
that life is short, and hell's fire lake is long;
that consolation of philosophy
does not imply licentious liberty.
Yet, telling us this, they do not deny
to any of us opportunity
to speak verbal complaint, or disagree:
they just dismiss us with cold courtesy.
Yet some have been emboldened to defy
this new regime, so quickened to condemn,
raising the spectre of hypocrisy:
these privileges we sought so zealously
we would (if so empowered) deny to them.

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breanna_shaylee's picture

this is a beautifully written poem. and i agree with your comments at the end all the right to live the way they want and others have the right to disagree with them. one should always be willing to try to understand and agree to disagree on a great many things.

Breanna Shaylee