At Ankhesenamun's Sorrow

The final night we were together, he slipped
our crowns off, and our robes.  Joyous, we lay
in pleasure's bliss until the break of day
They killed him, later, "for the sake of Egypt,"
and scraped his name off every monument.
Insidious and evil their intent
was, that he might not live eternally,
forgotten in our ancient history.
But priests and politicians have presumed
too much:  the truth of him will lie entombed
until, someday, some scholar will uncover
the evidence of him, and me---his lover.
Until that far-flung time, his place will be
witnessed by this small scrap of poetry.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Acknowledgment to dreamalittle04, whose mention of the Pharaoh's name set me to thinking about this poem, and to determine if I could find something to rhyme with "Egypt."

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