What Think Ye Of Christ?, 1

Yes, we have heard.  The other night, men from Jerusalem
stopped by to rest and stayed with us.  We got the news from them.
They said the tomb had been found empty (that fact is denied
by those who had demanded that the Lord be crucified).
And in that bolted upper room, Jesus (Himself!) appeared
to prove His Resurrection.  What the Sadducees had feared
has come, the true New Age.  And Christ, arising from the dead,
has proven true all of the other Words that He has said.

Let the lost world scoff at it.  We, in Galilee, believed;
although rich, educated men told us we were deceived.
And they, not we, condemned Him to be slain upon that cross.
That was forgiven.  But their disbelief means final loss.
And History will ask one question (which is not enticed
to compromise or change forever):  "'WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?'"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The quotation in the final line is from Matthew 22.

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