When Christians Meet In Christ The Lord

Christians have full enjoyment of Salvation.
You see it in their fellowship's accord.
They have a difference that the lost world misses:
as Christians meet, they meet with Christ the Lord.

It is not like the office, in a meeting---
you know the kind, where you are always bored.
It is, instead, a spiritual celebration.
as Christians meet, they always praise the Lord.

Nor it is like the bank, when you must go there---
you take a number, then you are ignored.
No:  when the Christians meet, each person matters
because each has been saved by Christ the Lord.

And you have seen them driving down the highway,
shouting, because the Spirit is outpoured
upon them.  As you hear sounds of their singing,
you know that they are riding with the Lord.

Some folks prefer to live in isolation,
alone and drifting---like a boat unmoored.
But, friend, I choose to spend time with my Brethren,
because we Christians meet in Christ the Lord.

So . . . come meet Jesus.  He is our Salvation.
His is a call that you cannot afford
to miss.  Get saved, then baptized, and---then come with
us Christians as we meet in Christ the Lord.





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