Nocturnes: Whitechapel, Creature Of Habit

[also for Sarah]


The morning brought a gray, November dawn,
and in the chilling, drizzled mist I fled.
Thought was too hard:  presence of mind was gone.
An awful kind of ache throbbed in my head---
worse than the afterward of beer or port;
worse than the word of pains of any sort.
Only one purpose held: my pregnancy:
that little bit of life inside of me
wanted to get away, instinctively,
far from that room at 13 Miller Court.
By simple force of habit, I was led---
despite the dire derangement of deep shock---
through customary motion.  With the key
in hand, I turned it in the closed door's lock.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The door to Mary Kelley's residence at 13 Miller Court was locked when the corpse inside was discovered.  In my opinion, an intruder would not have bothered to lock it (even less so, getting possession of the key); whereas the rightful occupant would have both the key and the established habit of locking the door upon leaving.  I think this evidence goes to confirm a my hypothesis that Mary Kelly, having slain the Ripper earlier, walked away from her home and, some hours later, off the stage of history forever.

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