Mission Statement

I am looking for a conclusion to many a situation that has me pondering some heavy dilemmas, that on evalutaion is all pertaining to me.

I am searching to find a completion of missed opportunties, which could have resulted in moments that would have felt joyous to me.

I am bring forth a judgement to disallow the voice of conditioned control any further interference with the spirit of emotion.

I am in hot pursuit to locate a finish to this line of trying to have them meet because it no longer matters if they like each other, as long as there is mutual understanding.

I am knocking 'pon doors to find a settled happily ever after ending, for as the saying goes there's no place like home cause where ever the dwelling, comfort is as simple as putting in your key.

I am on a journey to the end of a rainbow, designed specifically for me, held under a protective umbrella of realization which pronounces the limits are limitless and that there is a pot of my life's greatest simplest divinest dreams awaiting.

I am examining an example of worldwide illustrations, policy and procedures to better appreciate the colors lending themselves out to make up much more than just black, white, purple or green.

I am foreseeing an adjustment to the way the wind blows those tumbleweed-like obstacles in path of my choosing the left or the right road.

I am contemplating a plan to put into motion something like a run away freight train, bound and determined to reach its final destination.

I am building upon that foundation of self-prestige, surrounding it with the greatest of audiences called esteem.

I am focusing on the rememberance of once upon time generations that put their best face forward only to have it slapped so that I may be here to continue my own personal struggles.

I am blatantly exercising my right to a fair and just system of laws that mandates saying what I want to say, living how I want to live and just to put it simply, regardless of personal and public opinion, being who I want to be.

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M Castro's picture

I like this one! I think you should use it.