I became the soul of the air,
That one whose form is hidden.
I was everywhere I went:
I was in the very edge.
I am the one who silences the sky,
I am the one who deafens the land,
I am mighty, I am rising.
My hues foretell his hand
when he comes out of the horizon.
I heard the affairs of the millions;
They wondered about me -
though I was in their midst-
Be silent! Be still!
Do not ask about my form.
No-one saw me; I was already.
You do not know from where I came,
I am here before you know me.
Not even the waters saw me.
I came into being without them.
The one who made me forged me in his heart.
He made me in power,
He breathed me from his breath -
I am the one whose form is life!
I am the one who scatters the light across the sky
with his awesome beauty.
Those who travel do not know him nor his name,
who the sun-folk follow: the sum of the forms.
I grew up at his feet,
I was raised in his arms.
He forged me in his very own heart -
The fields were made for me!
Needs A Bit More Ego
Love tame shy poetry :D
haha yes - I think if air was
haha yes - I think if air was a person it would never stop reminding you how it keeps you alive!
Just Reread Poem
So much packed in there - thematically it carries the reader along emotionally, although the images are well crafted, the off centerednesses are a surprise. Well said this - slc