Of a truth, some souls reside deservedly in Hell, but most…simply end up there

…Jeff Bresee


Now, at the end, looking back

What else have I to do, but reflect from darkness

In a sleepless round

Of ever mounting despair

Despair born and thereafter bred

By a knowledge from which I cannot flee

Of what is…

And what might have been

The memory of exquisite light

Which fills that sphere from whence I came

Serves now but to merely illuminate

The ever present path of my mind

A path betwixt there and here

Etched in unmovable stone

And I have not to do but to retrace its steps…

Again and again

Steps made of aimless decree on fancy filled days

As I wandering went  

Hither and thither as the winds of self pursuit

Dist blow

Caring not for this or that

Looking ne're for truth

Seeking not for the proven path

But rather…wandering…ever further from the light

No!  No plan had I

To chart this course to darkness

But just as well, no steps took I

To forge my way back towards the light

And thus, I am my own judge

In darkness I reside, simply because

My life's path has led me to the point where…

Darkness is all that remains

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